Faculty Feedback Form (Facilities)

Provide your feedback as per the following points so as to improve the quality of education further :
(5 – Strongly Agree; 4- Agree; 3-Neither Agree nor Disagree; 2- Disagree; 1- Strongly Disagree):
S.No Parameter Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
1 Availability of teaching aids such as multimedia projectors, speakers etc. in classrooms / tutorial rooms
2 Library space and ambience, timings and usage.
3 Adequacy of number of titles in library, journals and magazines relating to different courses.
4 Adequacy of internet facilities in terms of availability of terminals, bandwidth & speed.
5 Drinking water facilities & their maintenance.
6 Availability of Washroom, Amenities & their maintenance.
7 Canteen facilities.
8 Medical & first aid facilities.
9 Housekeeping & maintenance.
10 Sports facilities in the campus.
11 Training and Placement related activities.
12 Mentoring system to help students at an individual level.
13 Grievance Redressal.
14 Activities and Events conducted at department / college level including Social Outreach Programs / Club Activities.
15 Conduct of Sessionals and PUTs, frequency and transparency.
16 Conduct of AKTU End Sem Exams.